The Plan Do Review Process

Close (2018) suggested that the plan, do and review process includes three key, but very basic principles of coaching, plan a session, run the session and finally review the session as well as your own performance. In addition to this Close (2018) also suggested that if one of these three parts is missing there will be a direct affect on the remaining two. For example if you fail to plan a session, that session will not run as smoothly as if you had planned it, which then in turn shows itself in the review process where it is clearly identifiable that the session could have been improved if it had been planned. Reasons for this could include that the drills and activities were not related to a session aim (Adams, 2016). For example a rugby session is aimed at improving passing ability and featured within are kicking and scrummaging drills (Adams, 2016).

This process provides the user a structure in which to develop themselves as a coach, which is highlighted mostly in the review section of the process (Close, 2018). Ideally speaking your planning should be good enough and have enough detail contained within it for someone else to use your plan to run the exact session you thought of. However if no one else is to use your planning and you understand all details according to Close (2018) this is totally adequate.
