
Reference List

ADAMS, M. (ed.) (2016) Pearson BTEC National Sport and Exercise Science. London United Kingdom: Pearson Education Limited. ASEP. (2018) Games Approach Has Advantages Over Traditional. [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 27th April 2018] CLOSE, C. (2018) What To Look for In A Coach. [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 23rd April 2018] CURWIN, R. (2012) Telling Isn't Teaching: The Fine Art of Coaching. [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 26th April 2018] ENGLAND RUGBY. (2018) Coaches. [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 27 th April 2018] HANSEN, B. (2017) 6 Ways to Promote Inclusion In Sport. [Online] Available from: [Ac...

Conclusion/Reflections from the Year

Over the course of this year the plan, do and review process I believe has made me a better coach overall allowing me analyse my practical coaching abilities and generate targets for myself in the next session and so on. One thing I believe I do need to do better at a later date is neaten up my planning and possibly type plans up and save them for another time. However this blog has reviewed the principles of teaching and their role in coaching sessions. Additionally this blog has featured inclusion and how to create an inclusive environment in and out of coaching sessions bringing in that social element.

Principles of Teaching – How They Have Been Effected My Coaching Sessions Since September 2018

In this section of the blog I will aim to show how principles of teaching listed below have affected my coaching sessions over this year since September. ·          Differentiation ·          Inclusion ·          Stretch and challenge ·          Checking for learning ·          Effective planning ·          Learning Styles (Auditory, Kinaesthetic, Visual) Inclusion The Oxford Dictionary (2018) suggested that inclusion is being in or part a group of people. Putting this into sporting context it is clear that inclusion within a sports team is very important. As a coach the first stage to including every player, according to Hansen (2017), would be to create an inclusive environment with help from players. Hansen (2017) suggested one...

Principles of Teaching – Can They Be Used In Coaching?

In this section of the blog there will be a discussion to whether or not the principles of teaching can be applied to sports coaching sessions. It is found that there is a possible link between teaching and coaching (Joyce & Showers, 1982). In addition to this it was suggested by Joyce & Showers (1982) that teachers, like athletes, can actually be coached. By implementing their method of coaching teachers they found that the teachers learnt new skills which they could then involve in their classes (Joyce & Showers, 1982). Their method used all three types of learning style to cater for all types of learners (Joyce & Showers, 1982). The teachers were showed demonstrations, visual learning style  (Joyce & Showers, 1982).  They were talked through each section, auditory learning style  (Joyce & Showers, 1982).  They were then finally given instructions to go ahead and give it a try, kinaesthetic learning style (Joyce & Showers, 1982). S...

The Plan Do Review Process

Close (2018) suggested that the plan, do and review process includes three key, but very basic principles of coaching, plan a session, run the session and finally review the session as well as your own performance. In addition to this Close (2018) also suggested that if one of these three parts is missing there will be a direct affect on the remaining two. For example if you fail to plan a session, that session will not run as smoothly as if you had planned it, which then in turn shows itself in the review process where it is clearly identifiable that the session could have been improved if it had been planned. Reasons for this could include that the drills and activities were not related to a session aim (Adams, 2016). For example a rugby session is aimed at improving passing ability and featured within are kicking and scrummaging drills (Adams, 2016). This process provides the user a structure in which to develop themselves as a coach, which is highlighted mostly in the review ...

Assessed Coaching Session Plan & Feedback Sheet

Names of Coach Name of Assessor Matthew White Scott Reed Venue/facilities: Sports Hall No. of participants: Type of session 13 Rugby passing Strengths ·          Incorporated the 3 late-comers well into the session and made sure they were warm before including them in the drills. ·          Reiterated coaching points for passing technique throughout. ·          Linked activities to previous session well. ·          Excellent use of assistant coach to help set up cones and mark out new activities. ·          Encouraged & praised participants well throughout. ·          Allowed for...

Coaching Session Plans
